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About The Grateful Life Family Foundation
More about us
It is essential to build a connection to community and “family”. Adults and children are in need of structure, stability, healing, life skills assistance, and a sense of home and family. TGLFF nurtures family by building healthy relationships with fellow humans who focus on common ideals and respect of individual strengths. The reunification of the family of man is one of our ideals, and our family foundation is a beacon of light shining into the darkness of broken families to lead the way.
We strive to restore the family feeling in those who have never experienced a fully functional family unit. The challenges of modern society are met with a community spirit of family first.
We hope you will visit and see for yourself how the new world is different than the old!
The Grateful Life Family Foundation
Tennessee Non-Profit Charity Organization
Tax id# 85-3347709
Our mission is to offer opportunities for physical, emotional, and spiritual growth and healing through mentoring many facets of human endeavor.
Our programs instill responsibility and self-confidence, by teaching life skills to at risk adults (18+) and providing opportunity to attain
safety, housing, food and compassion.
The Grateful Life Family Foundation wants to build safe homes for victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, and VET's. However, all of
our workshops are provided at Lake Waldensia by Trauma Specialists to help people from all walks of life that are imprisoned by PTSD, anxiety,
dissociation, and so much more. TGLFF is a safe environment which fosters music, art, creativity, wellness and educational programs to unlock
the restorative force within all individuals. In essence we are helping humans be better people, through education, self-discover, and growth.
Serving others in any capacity builds self-worth.
What is GLFF?
The Grateful Life Family Foundation is a 501c3 in the state of Tennessee that offers transitional housing and mentoring for people in need.
We are a community outreach facility for at risk populations.
Why are we needed?
Each year, the loss of joy and love in the world is experienced by many wonderful people who are marginalized by emotional trauma and withdraw
their input from our lives. We all suffer as a result of their ongoing loss.
The joy and love that withers in the face of isolation and separation can be easily restored.
Our planet is hurting and increasing the awareness of how to love the earth and live with it and not just on it will relieve the pain our home
is enduring and help us love one another and our home, bringing harmony and resonance to our planet and its people.
What do we offer?
It is essential to build a connection to community and “family”. Adults and children are in need of structure, stability, healing, life
skills assistance, and a sense of home and family. with the Foster Care human Trafficking approximately 60% of the population that they
serve we believe that it is better option to provide therapeutic placements for families as they work through their generational curses
and work toward reunification if possible. We assist populations in weekly creative arts therapy group sessions, conscious retreats,
one-on-one mentoring, and much more!
What about Community Outreach?
In addition to the ongoing programs at the center, we strive to go out into the community and make a difference. Currently we are
collecting the resources needed to launch a little library series in rural areas, as well as collect second-hand technology for lower
income students to further their studies. You can be sure to find us at Rockwood's monthly meeting's and town events. We are collaborating
with a few local custom shops to mutually benefit the community. In need of some produce? Call us and we will see if we can drop off a
care package from our harvest in the garden!
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Community Events
Community Events (Click the event row to register)
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New for January
This month we will restart our weekly schedule with monthly drum circles where we explore our connection to indigenous energies. An evening meal is prepared for residents and guests to enjoy and lots of drums and other instruments are available for use, so no need to bring anything but an open heart to receive the blessings from the rythms in the land and to be illuminated by the monthly love light of a full moon.
Scheduled dates vary monthly so check our event calendar for this month's date.
Plant and Play in our community garden every Saturday from 8 until 8. Grow your own and some for others.
Space is available in our garden for you to be a part of our work changing the world and help feed the hungry
Ladies Night on Sunday
Men's Monday open forum discussion with special guests 7-10
Songwriters workshops each Wednesday 7-10